Water Leak Detection System

Enerquest Solutions offers a complete orbit of water lead detection types of equipment which is designed to maximize protection by having continuous monitoring 24/7. Our advanced deployment mechanism detects even small leads such as condensate water overflow, chiller water leaks, plumbing line cracks, heading/cooling piping leaks, outside seepage, and more.

Leak Detection

The Nvent TraceTek sensor cable and monitoring systems offer Long term reliable systems with high-performance polymers for maximum durability of the sensor cables and probes that directly detect and accurately pinpoint the source of the leak without the risk of digital communications and power running through the sensor cable out on the data center floor. A digital communications & power backbone that gives the ability to independently track many leaks at once, with local, networked, or remote alarms and diagnostics. Multiple digital communications protocols and integration to building management systems, email / SMS, or web page. Configuration options that automatically shut off pumps or valves where appropriate. Modular assembly means systems can be configured for current needs and allow for future expansion. These are easy to segment to “your” needs rather than conforming to a fixed length factory standard and can handle up to 250 cables independently. Water Leak Risks in Commercial Buildings Server and communications facility.

Rodent Repellent System

Rodent repellent is a device unit that emits ultrasonic sound waves to create an acoustically hostile environment that repels rodents. This helps to keep your Data Center free from rodents. The frequency of sound will induce rodents to move away from the Data Center premises.

We are a premium supplier and System Integrator of Rodent Repellent Systems which are available as per industry standards using premium quality components and innovative technology.

We offer

  • Advanced ultrasonic technology products
  • 100% effective rodent control method
  • All our products are CE Certified